I have heard about the teams to Guatemala for years, but this year I was finally able to go.  I travelled with nearly 20 team members through the beautiful hillsides and small towns of Guatemala, seeing the colorful fruits and flowers and textiles all along the way.  When we made it to our village, we were greeted by smiling brothers and sisters who shared kindness and care all week long.  After some training we bumped on the backs of trucks through hills and farms, got out and carried our ladders and tool bags on trails to well tended homes with dirt floors, smoky walls and few comforts.  In teams of two or three we began our work of constructing stoves that allow the families to continue their traditional style of cooking while piping the smoke out of the homes, protecting each family member’s eyes and lungs from damage.  We also saw the water filters that had been delivered ahead of us so the family could enjoy clean water free of parasites.  Each family I encountered was so kind and welcoming, and though we couldn’t always speak easily to each other, love and appreciation was always communicated.  It felt good to be in the homes of our new friends, and then see them in the church later that day receiving training, clothes and dewormer.  This ministry is so powerful because it allows us to see life through their eyes, worship together as family, and participate in enabling the local body of Christ to reach out in their own communities with love and support.  I know each team member was transformed by the experience of being welcomed into the Guatemalan culture and seeing how the love of Jesus transcends all boundaries.  I am so thankful to be able to participate in this beautiful ministry.

Joel Sullivan